


Support and Guidance for Professionals

working with Children, Young People & Families

A TAF approach is a collaborative, multi-agency way of working that involves a number of identified agencies working together to deliver a plan of support to a family or young person. .

Who is TAF for?
Any family or Young Person can benefit from a TAF approach if:

  • A single approach is not addressing their identified needs, or
  • They require a multi-agency collaborative approach to identify and address their needs.

Team Around the Family is an approach NOT a service…
… therefore you cannot ‘refer in’ to TAF. If you identify someone who could benefit from a TAF approach, simply ask the family or young person to complete the JAFF Part 1 form and return it to

Further Resources can be downloaded here. 

Full training is available free of charge. For further details, our training timetable and how to apply, click here. 


Great service thanks for all your help.
Posted by Parent
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