

Safety Sessions For Parents To Be / New Parents

Safety session includes:

  • Home fire safety advice, plus the option of a free home safety check which includes fire and carbon monoxide alarms fitted by Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, for FREE
  • Child Car Seat Safety: Car seat safety, buying and fitting advice
  • Safe sleeping advice
  • Basic life support & choking demonstration
  • A FREE home safety kit, that includes door jambs, toilet Lock, cupboard locks, window locks, socket covers and corner protectors.

If you are a parent to be and would like more information on this session or would like to to register your place please email

Home Fire Safety

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Home Safety Tips

They ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​are committed to reducing the number of accidental home fires across their Service area.

Check out their website for lots of helpful information and advice on how you can prevent fires in your home, what to do if a fire should break out and the services available to support you in protecting your home from the risk of fire.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Did you know that you can book a FREE home fire safety check with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service? They have been visiting domestic properties delivering home fire safety information, and fitting smoke alarms for many years.

Click to book your visit here

Safe from accidents by Children Accident Prevention Trust

Take a look at Children Accident Prevention Trust bite-sized facts and safety tips on the main accident risks to children including:

  • Safe from burns
  • Prevent poisoning
  • Breathe easy
  • Free from falls
  • Safe around roads
  • Watch out in water
  • Fire safe families

Click here to access their website to download their factsheets 

Child Car Seat

Child Care Seat Checking by Carmarthenshire County Council Road Safety Team

Did you know that previous child car seat checking days have highlighted that 8 out of 10 child car seats were fitted incorrectly? They offer a FREE service to check that:

  • The seat is suitable for the vehicle
  • The seat is fitted securely in the vehicle
  • The seat is appropriate for your child

For more information visit Child Care Seat Checking

RoSPA Child Car Seats Information

  • The safest way for children to travel in cars is in a child car seat that is suitable for their weight and size, and is correctly fitted in the car.

For more information visit the RoSPA website Carrying Children Safely

Stay Safe Over The Summer

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue

During the Summer season and with the promise of warmer weather it is the ideal time to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, booking your staycations or holidays, taking your family on a camping trip, or just enjoying your local area. Here are some Tips

Baby Summer Safety by the Lullaby Trust

The weather is getting warmer, which can make following safer sleep advice more complicated. It is harder to keep baby cool and holidays and travel can disrupt routines. We have put together some tips on baby summer safety so you can enjoy the summer and keep baby safe when the weather gets hot.

Take a look at the Lullaby Trust tips on summer safety

Button Batteries Safety

Button batteries, especially big, powerful lithium coin cell batteries, can badly hurt or kill a child if they are swallowed and get stuck in the throat / food pipe.

Button batteries are in many household items such as car key fobs, small remote controls, gaming headsets, kitchen and bathroom scales, calculators, children’s toys, children’s thermometers and musical books and cards.

Toddlers are at risk because they like to explore taste and texture by mouth. They have become increasingly skilful at getting into battery compartments or drawers and finding spare or ‘flat’ batteries.

Please click here for top tip around Button Batteries Safety

Safer Sleeping Tips

Safer sleep advice saves babies’ lives, reduce the risk of SIDS by following our evidence-based safer sleep advice

Take a look at the Lullaby Trust for some great advice on Safer sleep for babies – Sleep position, sleep environment and bedding; and overheating, temperature and overwrapping

The whole Carmarthenshire team are an asset to us childminders and I know from speaking to other childminders in the UK that they do not have such a fantastic team behind them. I could not recommend this enough for anyone who would like to become a childminder in Carmarthenshire.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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