Early Years Support

Team Around the Family can provide help and support with all sorts of issues such as concerns about school and education, behaviour, health, housing, etc. If you wish to contact the team with your enquiry/request for support, please ring 01267 246555 or email TAF@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

Tim Camau Bach are an Early Intervention Service commissioned by Families First. They offer short term support for parents with a disabled child aged 0-16 years around issues such as communication, sleep, continence, behaviour, diet, play, child development and sibling support plus bespoke parenting packages around sensory needs, resilience and practical behaviour management. If you would like to make a referral to Tim Camau Bach, please complete the form available from their webpage and return to: DisabilityReferrals@Carmarthenshire.gov.uk

Action for Children put children at the heart of everything they do. Action for Children run the Nurture Programme and Family Support service, click here for information on your local Action for Children

Mind Llanelli is a local mental health organisation which provides vital support services and information to people across Carmarthenshire for over 30 years. They are an autonomous organisation affiliated to the national charity Mind and a registered charity in their own right.

Mums Matter, is an early intervention service launch by Mind Pembrokeshire, offering a safe, supportive environment to meet with other mums with similar experiences. You can be referred to this service through health professionals, or if interested you can self-refer. For more information please contact mums@mindpembrokeshire.org.uk or phone 07949 531305.

Other support:

Cymraeg i Blant is a national scheme by the Welsh Government that supports parents to use the Welsh language with their children by choosing Welsh medium childcare and education. For information about Cymraeg i Blant work in Carmarthenshire follow them on facebook

Clwb Cwtsh
Want to learn to speak Welsh with your child? Clwb Cwtsh is running a virtual 8 week course starting in May 2021

For more information on Clwb Cwtsh sessions email tanya.morgans@meithrin.cymru

People Speak Up connect people and create healthy, resilient communities through storytelling, spoken word, creative writing and participatory arts. They offer creative workshops, volunteering, training, events and conversations. Contact info@peoplespeakup.co.uk or on 07972 651920. People Speak up have a Birth Cafe project at Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli where women come together and share their stories especially when they had experienced trauma or post-natal depression.

Home start  is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. For your Carmarthenshire local Home Start click here  to access their website.

Early Years Resources

Tiny Happy People – BBC Resource : Tiny Happy People is available to help develop children’s communication skills.

Note: There are some resources which are available in the Welsh language, however, the website is not fully bilingual. The Welsh Government continues to work with the BBC to produce further resources in Welsh.

Parenting. Give it Time: We all need guidance, support and Parenting. Give it Time is free and provided by experts in Wales. Parenting. Give it Time have a great website with FREE practical tips and expert advice for all your parenting challenges. You can also follow them on facebook

Start 4 Lifea Trusted NHS resource to give help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood (Note: this resource is in English only)

Change 4 Life  is a movement to help families eat well, move more and live longer and there to help make the small changes that have a big effect on health. Visit their website for recipes, food facts and physical activity suggestions. You can also follow them on facebook. (Note: this resource is in English only)

Littlemagictrain adventures creates a nurturing environment through engagement and invitation that encourages all children to participate and allows children to express emotion and be included. Everyone who takes part creates their own masterpiece through their journey. Visit their website for information on multi-sensory activity, FREE activities to use at home and resources.

Other Carmarthenshire County Council Services

Carmarthenshire Libraries provide a safe and friendly environment, and offer a range of services and a balanced collection of materials for the educational and recreational needs of your community. Carmarthenshire libraries help and support library members by offering a large number of free online resources, available to all audiences 24/7 anytime, anywhere on all devices which have internet connection. Visit Carmarthenshire Libraries Facebook Page and their website for further details.

Education and Schools: For all information on Carmarthenshire Education and Schools visit their website for information on how to find a school, free school meals, access HWB, ALN, Term Dates etc.

Benefits: Visit Carmarthenshire County Council webpage for information and help on Universal Credit, Housing Benefits, Local Housing Allowance, Council Tax Reduction etc.

Employment Support:  Are you unemployed? If you’re looking to get into work, we can help. Our employment support team can help you overcome barriers to get back into work, making sure the support is given along the way.  If you’re looking to get into work, click on the link for more information.

'That is brilliant thank you for all your help’
Posted by Professional, from Carmarthen
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