Useful Information


We hope that all of our Flying Start families are all keeping well and safe at home. During these challenging times we have prepared a list of useful links to help you find affordable and easy ways to have fun at home. We will also continue to share up to date information and guidance, providing you with help and support during these difficult times.

We understand that these are unsettling and challenging times for families – not least of all when trying to care for your young children.

During these times of uncertainty due to coronavirus, our Flying Start Office main telephone line – 01554 742447 is open from Monday to Friday 9 – 5pm as usual for any queries, including those which arise as a result of coronavirus. If you are in need of any support, advice or a listening ear to help ease any worries, please get in touch.

Thank you so much for all of this information and your support today, you have been really helpful.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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