Play Policy

On a national level Welsh Government produced a Play Policy in 2002, and as a result established a Play Implementation Group to develop further recommendations on the direction of play. ‘Play in Wales’ – the Welsh Government’s Play Implementation Plan was launched in February 2006.

The Welsh Government wishes to create an environment in Wales where children have excellent opportunities to play and enjoy their free time. The Play Policy states that:

‘Play is so critically important to all children in the development of their physical, social, mental, emotional and creative skills that society should actively seek every opportunity to support it and create an environment that fosters it. Decision making at all levels of government should include a consideration of the impact of those decisions on children’s play opportunities’.

The staff at the office dealing with emails and phone calls are very prompt in answering questions and getting back in touch. I'm very impressed by their work ethic and how kind they are to speak to. I whole heartily thank you very much for your support so far.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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