Are you looking after someone elses child?

  • Are you being cared for by someone other than your parents?
  • Is someone else looking after your child?
  • Are you caring for someone else’s child?

Private Fostering is very different from the care provided by us through approved foster carers. It occurs when a child under 16 (or under 18 if disabled) is cared for, for more than 28 days by an adult who is not a close relative, by private arrangement between the parent and the carer.  A close relative is an aunt, uncle, step-parent, grandparent or sibling, but not a cousin, grand aunt/uncle, or a family friend.

If you are thinking about placing your child with someone who is not a close relative, and would like more information, or if you’re already involved in such an arrangement, then contact: Carmarthenshire Children’s Services on 01554 742322

Private Fostering poster

The whole Carmarthenshire team are an asset to us childminders and I know from speaking to other childminders in the UK that they do not have such a fantastic team behind them. I could not recommend this enough for anyone who would like to become a childminder in Carmarthenshire.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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