Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Your Local School Support Team

There are a team of professionals that support schools and families of children with ALN, they include specialist advisory teams, educational & child psychologists, sensory impairment service, behaviour support community team (BSCT), Education other than at School (EOTAS), Elective Home Education (EHE), Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) and Gypsy Traveller Service.

For further information on ALN in Carmarthenshire please click here

 Children and young people will be supported in different ways according to their needs within the classroom. They may need to work in small groups, sometimes with a teaching assistant to support needs or help identify need. Some children and young people who require additional support will be identified as having additional learning needs through a decision-making process.

We provide support and advice to families whose children have additional learning needs, through Family Liaison Officers.

Families can engage in this partnership by contacting an ALN Family Liaison Officer.  They can provide specific advice from Early Years through to Post 16 education. They work closely with the Early Years ALN Lead Officer, Post 16 Lead Officer, other advisory teachers, and inclusion officers.

For more information about Parent Partnership in Carmarthenshire please click here

The helpline is available Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
Tel: 01267 246465

Neurodivergence Wales
The national neurodivergence site for Wales is full of information about what neurodivergence is, and what services and training opportunities are available online and across Wales.  The website helps deliver the Welsh Government ND vision and strategy and has a key place in ensuring that Wales is a neurodivergent friendly nation.

There are also a wide range of free downloadable resources that have been developed with neurodivergent people, parents/carers and professionals from across Wales.

Thank you so much for all of this information and your support today, you have been really helpful.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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