
Changes to Full Time Education

A Curriculum for Wales

Nursery Education for 3 and 4 Years Olds – Guide for Parents and Carers

School Admissions and Changing Schools

Click here to see how the changes to Carmarthenshire’s Primary school start date effect you.



Free Early Years Education

Do you have a child over the age of 3 years that is not attending School on a part time basis?

All children in Wales are entitled to free, part time, quality Early Years Foundation Phase education provision in an approved early years setting from the beginning of the term after their third birthday and prior to gaining full time entry into school.

Carmarthenshire County Council agrees to provide the funding received from Welsh Government to offer all eligible children a minimum of 10 hours free early years education in an approved setting.

In an approved non-maintained setting, funding for 10 hours per week can be flexible in line with the education hours on offer and the capacity within each setting. It is available for three terms for pupils born after 01/09/2021. You must apply for a full- time place in School the term following their fourth birthday.

Please refer to the link here for further information and to apply for a school place.

Below is a list of approved non maintained settings that deliver free early years learning in your area:

Approved-PreSchool-Settings-in-Carmarthenshire-January 2025

Eligibility Criteria for Early Years Education Funding

– During the funded period, the child must be in their first or second term following their 3rd birthday. (First, second or third term for children born after 01/09/2021)

– The child is not already receiving 10 hours education at another setting, hours can be split between settings


How do I apply for Early Years Education Funding?
Early Years Education Funding is available to all children. If you are eligible for the Childcare Offer, you’ll need to submit two separate applications – one for each type of funding.

  1. Confirm with your chosen setting that they have a place available for your child.

  2. Click here to complete the Application for Early Years Education funding.

For each academic term, eligible parent applications open 6 weeks prior to the end of term for funding for the following academic term.  Upon submission of their application Education will confirm with parents and the childcare provider within 10 working days.

The closing date for applications is 10 working days before the start of the relevant academic term.  Late applications will be considered in exceptional circumstances.   

The Childcare Offer for Wales

In addition to 10 hours per week of Early Years Education funding, you may also be eligible for 20 hours per week of funded childcare.  To find out more, click here

For queries about Early Years Education Funding, please contact the Early Years Team by email:

New Term New Start New Learning - online courses posterOnline course ‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing’

It’s been an anxious year for many adults, children and young people alike. We know many of you are worried about the impact of the pandemic on your children.

BRAND NEW!! Online course ‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing’ from the Solihull Approach (NHS).

Access for free:
Did you know Public Health Wales have PRE-PAID for every parent and carer in Wales to access a course for parents/carers (access now for life-long access)? FREE (with access code: SWSOL or NWSOL  at: for residents in our area. There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents about children from bump to 19+ years.

How do I access for free?
Go to and register, and then please use SWSOL if you live in South and Mid Wales and NWSOL if you live in North Wales to get free access to all the online courses (funded for residents): or

If, like many parents, you have already used this code, log into your account and this course will be ready in your dashboard to start whenever you are ready.

 Can I tell my family and friends?
Absolutely! Share the news with family members and other families in the area so that they too can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

 How long is it?
‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing’ itself is in 2 parts (2 modules long in total):

1.   Take Part 1….
2.   …then take ‘Understanding your child’ OR ‘Understanding your child with additional needs’ (11 modules each taking 10-15 minutes to complete, benefitting from time to digest in between)….
3.   …then take Part 2.

 If you like this…
…you might like the other courses ‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course) or ‘Understanding your child’s feelings’ (taster course), or other courses in the series.

Pupil Development Grant

Help with costs for school uniform, equipment and sports kit  in Carmarthenshire call 01267 246589

thumbnail of school_uniform_english_A5_2up


Grants available to help families on low incomes buy school uniform and equipment

Looked after children and learners receiving free school meals can get a Welsh Government grant if they are:

  • entering reception class in primary school
  • at the start of any of the Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 (primary and secondary)
  • aged 4, 7, 11  or 14 in special schools, special needs resource bases or pupil referral units

Primary and Secondary school children are entitled to £125 for each application.
Children entering Year 7 can now apply for £200 to help with the additional costs of starting secondary school.

The fund will cover school uniform and sports kit, equipment for out of school hours trips, including outdoor learning, and equipment for activities within the curriculum, such as design and technology.

How to apply
Contact your local authority:


Welsh homework Support – click on the image below

thumbnail of GD6013-GwaithCartref-en (002) (003)

thumbnail of Booklist for Foundation Aged Pupils – Mental & Emotional Health Promotion

thumbnail of Bookilst for Key Stage 2 Pupils – Mental & Emotional Health Promotion

Schools Admissions/ Changing Schools (Carmarthenshire)

To apply for:

  • a nursery place for 3 year olds
  • a primary school place
  • moving to a secondary school
  • changing school

please click on the link below:

Carmarthenshire Schools Admissions

Home Schooling – Elective Home Education (EHE)

If you’re considering educating your child at home, you will need to provide a suitable education.

Please click here for further information

Supporting Service Children in Education in Wales

Armed Forces Covenant

For information on the Supporting Service Children in Education Cymru project contact:

Millie Taylor
All Wales Project Officer for Service Children in Education

02920 468 616

or visit –

Education Welfare Service

The Education Welfare Service works with schools to ensure the regular school attendance of all pupils.  It works with schools to identify pupils with low attendance and ensures appropriate plans are in place.  EWS offers early intervention and support, utilising a Team Around the Family (TAF) approach when needed.  Where attendance does not improve EWS will consider referring the matter to the court. EWS also helps prevent children becoming missing from education.

EWS also issue licences for children in entertainment and employment and child chaperones.

Contact No:  01554 742369

Where do I apply for Free School Meals?

Applications must be made to the local authority where the school is situated. For children attending a school in Carmarthenshire, all applications must be made to the following department:

Free School Meals Section
Business Support Unit
Parc Dewi Sant
Jobswell Road

To apply for Free School Meals you can:

Education Begins at Home

Helping children be ‘ready to learn’ when they start school:

Better with Books

Are you sad? worried? angry? Are you being bullied? Do you feel jealous? Reading the right books can help you to understand the way that you feel. Talk to your doctor/school nurse about the Better with Books (Wales) scheme, for a list of books about mental health and well being visit
pdf document Better with Books (Wales)

The staff at the office dealing with emails and phone calls are very prompt in answering questions and getting back in touch. I'm very impressed by their work ethic and how kind they are to speak to. I whole heartily thank you very much for your support so far.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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