Health & Well-being

2 to 3 year olds Flu Vaccination Toolkit 2024

Flu is a respiratory illness that usually circulates in winter and can be serious for children and young people. Having the free flu nasal spray vaccine every year is one of the best ways of protecting them from getting seriously ill.

This year, the flu nasal spray vaccine will again be offered to 2 and 3 year old children (age on 31 August 2024) from September.

More information about the flu vaccination programme and eligibility is available at the Public Health Wales website at

Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

How can early years workers help manage the transition back to nursery, return to nursery help | Early Years In Mind | Anna Freud Centre

Coronavirus Support for Early Years | Coronavirus support for Nursery | Anna Freud Centre


Healthy Schools

thumbnail of Welsh Government190219 Healthy Lunchboxes Leaflet – English thumbnail of Public Health Packed Lunch (Wales) A4 (Sept’19) ENGLISHthumbnail of Change for Life Lunchbox Leaflet – English final thumbnail of Guidance for parents regarding the preparation of Healthy Lunchboxes – Primary Schools English website thumbnail of Guidance to parents carers regarding Healthy Packed Lunches – Secondary Schools ENGLISH website thumbnail of Index of recipes E (website) thumbnail of Ingredients list for shopping E (website)thumbnail of 1. CRUNCHY COLESLAW thumbnail of 2. BASIC TOMATO SALSA thumbnail of 3. CHEESE AND HERB SCONES thumbnail of 4. EASY PIZZAS thumbnail of 5. FRUIT & SAVOURY MUFFINS thumbnail of 6. FRUIT CRUMBLE FLAPJACKS thumbnail of 7. FRUITY CHEESECAKE POTS thumbnail of 8. HEALTHY WRAPS thumbnail of 9. HOMEMADE TORTILLA CHIPS thumbnail of 10. ME SIZE PIZZAS (IN A BAG) thumbnail of 11. RAINBOW COUSCOUS SALAD thumbnail of 12. SUNSHINE PASTA SALAD


Regularly check the government and NHS websites for updates:

Some simple steps to help stay safe and prevent the risk of infection

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue in a bin
  • Clean and disinfect as frequently touched objects and surfaces both at home and where you may be volunteering
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands

thumbnail of hand washing poster

thumbnail of A2 Carms Remote


Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide

Hopeline UK

Phone: 0800 0684141

Advice and Resources

thumbnail of Item 5 – Supporting-Your-Child-A-Guide-for-Parents

thumbnail of vestafs_zatrzymaj_przemoc_eng+cymru

thumbnail of vestafs_zatrzymaj_przemoc PL

Beat Flu – Catching flu can mean big problems for your little ones… So are you ready to beat flu with your children this winter? Beat Flu… before it beats you! 

Childhood Immunisation

Designed to Smile

Every Child Wales 10 Steps to a Healthy Weight

Video by Public Health Wales Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru

Carmarthenshire Food Banks Helping local people in crisis contact 01267 232101 or 01267 225996

Cerebra Sleep Service have a team of sleep practitioners who can give you advice and guidance.  The sleep problems they help with:

  • Refusing to go to bed
  • Difficulty going to sleep
  • Not wanting to sleep alone
  • Waking up during the night
  • Waking up early
  • And lots more

Contact: 01267 244210 or e-mail us at

Youth Befriending Poster

I just wanted to send you a note of thanks for all your work on FIS Carmarthenshire Website. I'm working on pulling together some information for a local initiative to educate children and teens on the consequences of drugs and alcohol. I'm working on preparing a pamphlet, and I've learned a lot from your page. I noticed that you had some really great resources. Well done!
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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