Information for Young People

How TAF Works

If you are having difficulties or need some extra support, the TAF approach can pull the right people together to help you. TOGETHER, we will look at ways to help you to develop your strengths and overcome other areas where you may benefit from some extra support.

One person, the TAF Keyworker, will talk with you and complete a Joint Assessment Family Framework (JAFF) assessment. This will help us plan the best support for you.

A Keyworker is a person with whom you feel comfortable working with. He/She will make sure the plan is followed and is working.

If you would like to know more about how TAF could help you, you can download the Information for Young People leaflet here.

Don’t forget…
TAF is a VOLUNTARY process and you can say ‘No’ AT ANY TIME if you change your mind.

How do I access TAF Support?

Accessing support is straight forward. You can either contact your school or you can complete the JAFF Part 1 form and email it to and a member of the team will get back to you.

Step 1 – Request for Support

TAF support can be requested by a professional that knows your family, such as a teacher, GP, Health Visitor, Youth Worker, or you can request support yourself.

All requests must have your consent so it is your decision whether you receive TAF support and you can stop it at any time.

The TAF co-ordinators will decide whether your request for support needs a TAF response (multi-agency) – if not, you will be signposted to a single agency for support.

Step 2 – Home visit and support plan

The TAF co-ordinators will arrange for a Key Worker to visit you at home or somewhere that suits you, to talk to the whole family about what is going well and what you may need support with.

This visit will help you to identify your strengths and needs and support you in building a family support plan.

Your home visit is aimed to be within 3 weeks after your request for support (JAFF Part 1) has been received.

Step 3 – Family Support Plan

Your Family Support Plan is YOURS, so all actions will be agreed with you and your family.

Your Family Support Plan will include actions for everyone in the family and for other agencies.

As long as you are in agreement, the person who visits you will be your Key Worker and main contact as you work through your plan.

Step 4 – Review

Every 3 months, or sooner if needed, you will review your Family Support Plan with your Key Worker to see how things are going and to make sure we are on track and that you are receiving the right support.

Your Family Support Plan is reviewed and changed as necessary to meet the changing needs of the family.

The Plan and Support will continue and be reviewed regularly until all outcomes are achieved or you no longer need or want the support. At this point your case will be closed.

Thank you so much for all of this information and your support today, you have been really helpful.
Posted by Parent, from Carmarthenshire
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