Interested in Becoming a Registered Childminder?
Childminders – look after up to 10 children from 0 to 12 years old in their own home. They must be registered, inspected and regulated by CIW (Care Inspectorate Wales). They are based in the community, which means children can go to playgroups/cylchoedd meithrin and parent and toddler groups.
We provide training and support you from registration and throughout your childminding career. For further information please contact the Family Information Service Carmarthenshire on 01267 246555.
To become a childminder you must:
⮚ Complete a Briefing Session:
Complete a briefing session: You can book onto a PACEY online briefing session below.
Email PACEY Cymru:
⮚ Complete a Pre-Registration Course:
Complete units 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC) and 327 Preparing for Childminding Practice (PCP).
These are worth 10 credits towards full Level 3 Diploma in Children’s Care Play Learning and Development.
To become a registered Childminder you will need to pass both units.
Financial support will be offered to those who are considering becoming a childminder. Anyone interested will need to meet the criteria and adhere to Terms and Conditions of the funding available. Please email for further information.