
If you have a child aged 2 to 3 and live in a Flying Start area, they have access to funded quality childcare. This funded quality childcare is available for 2 and a half hours a day for up to 39 weeks. It starts the term following the child’s second birthday up to the term they turn three.

Childcare is provided from a range of childcare facilities. These include Local Authority Settings, Private Day Nurseries, Family Centres, Playgroups, Cylchoedd Meithrin and Childminders. The focus of the funded childcare place is on the child. It ensures they have opportunities to develop their language and social skills. It aims to prepare them emotionally and physically for school. All within a safe and secure childcare setting. Each setting tracks and assesses every child’s development to ensure they reach their full potential.
Are you in a Flying Start Area?
Flying Start operate on a geographical basis using postcodes. Please use the postcode checker to see if your postcode is eligible for our services.
Are you living in an eligible area for Flying Start Carmarthenshire?
Any Questions?
We have a FAQ section which aims to answer any questions you may have:
Flying Start
Old Morfa Infants School
New Street
SA15 2DQ
01554 742447